16th Masters’ International Speed Skating ERFURT CRITERION - 25./26.November 2023

Teilnehmer nach der Siegerehrung des 16th Masters CRITERION 2023 in Erfurt

Results / Ergebnisse

Results / Ergebnisse - 16th Masters CRITERION
PDF-Dokument [656.5 KB]

Drawing / Startliste

Drawing 2nd day / Startliste 2.Tag - 16th Masters CRITERION
So, 26.11.2023
PDF-Dokument [64.8 KB]
Drawing 1st day / Startliste 1.Tag - 16th Masters CRITERION
Sa, 25.11.2023
PDF-Dokument [71.9 KB]

Entry List / Meldeliste

Entry List / Meldeliste - 16th Masters CRITERION
Stand: 22.11.2023
PDF-Dokument [42.2 KB]

Announcement / Ausschreibung

Announcement / Ausschreibung - 16th Masters CRITERION
PDF-Dokument [120.7 KB]



The Organizing Committee Speed Skating Erfurt is pleased to invite you to take part at the international speed skating competition:


16th Masters’ International Speed Skating


Erfurt / Germany, November 25 – 26, 2023


The competition will be held in accordance to the following conditions related to the regulations of the International Masters’ Speed Skating Committee (IMSSC) and the International Skating Union (ISU). The competition takes place at the “Gunda-Niemann-Stirnemann-Eishalle”, a covered 400m standard ice speed skating track, Arnstädter Str. 53, 99096 Erfurt. This competition is a regular event of the International Masters’ Calendar of the IMSSC.



Organization Committee (OC) Speed Skating Erfurt

Eissportclub Erfurt e.V., Arnstädter Str. 53, 99096 Erfurt / Germany

Phone:  +49  361  6 44 94-0

E-Mail:   office@eisschnelllauf-erfurt.de


1. Competitions:

Four distances competition and additional one team competition:

Women and Men:

Age groups from 30

500m, 1.500m, Team Pursuit (4 laps) (1st day) / 1.000m, 3.000m (2nd day)


The number of competitors on the 3.000m distance (longest distances) will not be restricted.
Quartet start is possible on all distances.


2. Age groups:

The competitions take place in five years age groups as follows:


AG           born_____________                      AG           born______________

30            01.07.89 - 30.06.94                       60            01.07.59 - 30.06.64         

35            01.07.84 - 30.06.89                       65            01.07.54 - 30.06.59         

40            01.07.79 - 30.06.84                       70            01.07.49 - 30.06.54         

45            01.07.74 - 30.06.79                       75            01.07.44 - 30.06.49         

50            01.07.69 - 30.06.74                       80            01.07.39 - 30.06.44         

55            01.07.64 - 30.06.69                       85            01.07.34 - 30.06.39 etc.


AG = five years age group Masters’ Women and Men as high as necessary


3. Limitation of Participants:

The competition is restricted to 100 skaters / plus 15% - respectively 115 entries of skaters (by experience about cancellation of entered competitors by illness, injuries, etc.).


4. Schedule:


4.1. Training:

The training time on Saturday is including the entrance fee. For training times before Saturday you must pay EUR 15 per day. Please announce in the OC office.


Friday, November 24, 2023 - 14:00 – 18:45 h

Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 10:30 – 11:30 h


Changes can be possible. Please, look at the information board in the ice hall for the current training times!


4.2. Team Leaders’ meeting and drawing:

Friday, November 24, 2023, 19:00 h in the “Gunda-Niemann-Stirnemann-Eishalle”.


4.3. Competition start:
Saturday, November 25, 2023 - 12:00 h
Sunday, November 26, 2023 - 09:00 h


4.4. Price giving ceremony:

Sunday, November 26, 2023, following the competitions.


5. Eligibility:

To be eligible the skater must be member of a national ice speed skating federation recognized by the ISU and must have a license of this association.


6. Competition format for Team Pursuit (4 laps):

Team Pursuit will be organized based on ISU Rule 256, paragraph 1, and ISU Communication No. 2584 with club / national or mixed teams of 3 Skaters (all age groups together per gender).

Distances are 4 laps for Women and Men.


Further details, in particular on safety measures, are given in ISU Communication No. 2586 or any further updates.

All Competitors who do not have a racing suit with integrated cut resistant protection must wear cut resistant underwear suit and:

  • Cut resistant neck protection,
  • Cut resistant ankle protection,
  • Cut resistant knee protection.

Moreover, Competitors must wear:

  • Cut resistant gloves,
  • helmets in accordance with ISU Communication No. 2586 or any further updates.
  • The front and back part of the blades must be rounded off, with a radius of 1 cm.


7. Drawing and classification:

Drawing will be done in accordance with Rule 3.5 of the IMSSC Constitution and Regulation 2022-2023 v2.


On the first two distances of the competition the skaters shall be seeded in groups before drawing, according to their best times of the season (if no time is available their best time of the season 2022/2023).


8. Prizes and results:

All competitors, who succeed the four distances contest, obtain a certificate and a medal.

The first three teams in Team Pursuit obtain a certificate.


The complete protocol, containing start times, lap times, accumulated lap times and end times, can be found on the website www.eisschnelllauf-erfurt.de.


9. Doping control:

Anti-doping tests will be carried out in accordance with ISU Rule 139 and the valid ISU Anti-doping Code (ISU Communication No. 2366 or any further update of this Communication).


10. Entries:

Please send us an e-mail for the entry with the following details to


  • Name
  • First name
  • Birthday
  • Gender
  • Nation/country


You will get a confirmation by e-mail, stating that your registration has been received by the Organizing Committee.


The skaters get informed only on the internet www.eisschnelllauf-erfurt.de whether they can take part in the competition or not (list of accepted competitors).


Deadline for the entries: Tuesday, November 14, 2023


11. Entrance Fee:

The entrance fee will be EUR 50,- per person.


The entrance fee has to be paid before November 21, 2023 to the following account:

Eissportclub Erfurt e.V.

IBAN: see pdf-file

BIC: HELADEF1WEM (Sparkasse Mittelthüringen)

Subject: 16th Masters Criterion “Name of skater”


12. Armbands:

All participants must use their own armbands.


13. Liability:

In Accordance with ISU Rule 119, the ISU, the IMSSC, the DESG and the Organizing Committee Speed Skating Erfurt assume no responsibility for or liability with respect to bodily or personal injury or property damage incurred with connection with the 16th Masters’ International Speed Skating ERFURT CRITERION 2023. Each skater or accompanying person is solely responsible for providing insurance coverage thereto.


14. Accommodation:

The Erfurt Tourismus & Marketing GmbH will help you to find a private room or a room in a boarding-house or in a hotel.



Erfurt Tourismus & Marketing GmbH

Benediktsplatz 1, 99084 Erfurt / Germany  

Phone: +49  361  6640 110

E-Mail: zimmer@erfurt-tourismus.de

Web: www.erfurt-tourismus.de


15. Info channel:

Up to date all start lists and results directly on your smartphone via messenger "Telegram"



1. Download the app https://telegram.org/ (for Android, iPhone, iPad, WindowsPhone, Desktop Windows, Mac or Linux)

2. Register in the app

3. Subscribe to the channel - directly via the link https://t.me/EisschnelllaufErfurt or search in the app “EisschnelllaufErfurt




Erfurt, October 2023

Organizing Committee Speed Skating Erfurt